Practice Quiz for
Small Population Size Effects

No. of Questions= 6
INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 Rapid random changes in gene pool frequencies occurring in a small population are likely due to:
a)  genetic drift
b)  founder principle
c)  bottleneck effect
2 Which of the following statements about genetic drift is true?
a) It has its greatest effect on gene pool frequencies in large populations.
b) It occurs independently of mutation and recombination.
c) It is due to mutation rather than natural selection.
3 In which of the following types of societies would genetic drift have the least likelihood of causing rapid evolution?
a) a band of 12 isolated humans living 70,000 years ago in Southern Africa
b) Japan today
c) a community of 40 members of a religious sect who have had nothing to do with their neighbors in Pennsylvania for 8 generations
4 High frequencies of rare genetically inherited traits in people who share a common ancestor is most likely the result of:
a) natural selection
b) the founder principle
c) genetic drift
d) Huntington's disease
5 The fact that South and Central American Indians are nearly 100% type O for the ABO blood system is best explained as being the result of:
a) genetic drift
b) natural selection
c) the founder principle
6 Which of the following is true of genetic bottlenecks?
a) They occur when there are major environmental changes that alter natural selection so that most members of a species die before reproducing.
b) The result is usually increased genetic diversity in a population following a genetic bottleneck.
c) They reduce the fertility of the survivors.



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