Flashcards for Modern Theories of Evolution
Topics 1-2:  Population Genetics Overview
(6 cards)

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The term for the modern conception of evolution being caused by a number of complex and often interacting processes. This is essentially a combination of Darwin's concept of natural selection, Mendel's genetics, along with the facts and theories of population genetics and molecular biology.

synthetic theory of evolution

The sum total of the genetically inherited changes in the individuals who are the members of a population's gene pool. In other words, change in frequencies of alleles in the gene pool of a population.


The term that encompasses all of the genes in all of the individuals in a breeding population.

gene pool

A more or less distinct group of individuals within a species who are reproductively isolated from other groups. In other words, they restrict their mate selection to members of their own group. This is usually due to geographic and/or social barriers to mating with outsiders.

population or breeding population

The study of biological inheritance patterns and changing gene pool frequencies in populations largely through the determination of allele frequencies. Researchers in this area of study are also involved in identifying processes resulting in evolution.

population genetics

The name of the equation (p²+2pq+q² = 1) used by population geneticists to determine genotype frequencies of a population for specific traits. By comparing these frequencies for subsequent generations, it is possible to document the direction and rate of evolution.

Hardy-Weinberg equation