Practice Quiz for World-view

No. of Questions= 8

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 World-view is _________________________ .
a) genetically inherited from parents
b) rarely verbalized, but it can be inferred by our actions
c) the complex of motivations, perceptions, and beliefs that we internalize and that strongly affect how we interact with other people and things in nature
d) b and c
2 Which of the following statements is true of world-views?
a) In large-scale industrial societies, like the United States, most people share the same world-view.
b) In small-scale societies, such as those of foragers and pastoralists, most people do not share the same world-view.
c) neither of the above
3 Robert Redfield believed that _________________________ .
a) world-views in all societies make some of the same kinds of basic distinctions in categorizing and relating to things in the world and the cosmos
b) all world-views are essentially indigenous (or mythological)
c) in metropolitan (or civilized) world-views, inanimate things in nature like rocks are thought to potentially have human-like personalities
d) a and c
4 What is an otiose deity?
a) a god who established the order of the universe in the distant past and who is now remote from earthly activities and concerns
b) a kind of world-view
c) a kind of god that is likely to be accepted by people who have a metropolitan world view
d) a and c
5 Core values _________________________ .
a) are not part of world-views
b) are the fundamental values that provide the basis for social behavior in society
c) a and b
d) none of the above
6 World-views include a conception of the nature of time.  Which of the following statements reflect the common concept of time in urban North America and Europe today?
a) Time is fixed in nature--it is something from which we cannot escape.
b) Time has segments or compartments which are discrete and constant in duration.
c) An activity is more important than the time period in which it takes place--we usually complete the activity regardless of whether the allotted time is over.
d) a and b
e) all of the above
7 The perception of time in world-views involves a focus on the past, present, or future.  In North America today, most young adults are focused primarily on the _________________________ .
a) past
b) present
c) near future (a few years)
d) distant future (a generation or more)
8 In indigenous world-views, there is a belief that _____________________ .
a) humans are not separate from nature and the supernatural world, and beings from these three realms can interact as people do with each other
b) animals, trees, rocks and other things in nature are "its" rather than "thous" and do not have human personalities
c) the gods live apart from people--they do not interact with us in a direct human way



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