Practice Quiz for
Hidden Aspects of Communication

No. of Questions= 11
INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the hints and feedback for incorrect answers.

1 We learn our culture's paralanguage:
a) mostly in school language classes
b) largely by observing others and imitating them
c) beginning in our early teenage years
2 Which of the following statements is true?
a) Humans are the only animals that use non-verbal methods of communication.
b) Only about 10% of what we communicate when talking directly with others is through paralanguage.
c) Paralanguage is part of the redundancy in communication that helps prevent ineffective communication.
3 _____________ is the study of body language.
a) kinesics
b) proxemics
c) paralanguage
4 Most people find it easiest to lie to a friend while speaking:
a) face to face in person
b) on the telephone
c) both are equally easy
5 Which of the following statements is true?
a) Comfort in interaction distance mostly has to do with the distance between faces that are looking directly at each other.
b) Spitting on another person is a sign of utmost contempt in all cultures.
c) Most people around the world share the same view about what is a comfortable interaction distance for talking about impersonal topics.
6 Compared to Americans and Canadians of Northern European cultural ancestry, the comfortable interaction distance zone for Latin Americans is usually:
a) closer
b) farther
c) about the same
7 Using a wink to acknowledge a shared secret is an example of:
a) proxemics
b) kinesics
c) both of the above
8 Which of the following statement is true?
a) North American culture generally discourages touching by adults except in moments of intimacy or formal greeting (e.g., hand shaking).
b) Japanese offices commonly are set up so that the boss is physically isolated in a separate private room. This minimizes personal contact with ordinary workers.
c) In comparison to North Americans, Southern Europeans and Middle Easterners expect and prefer much less close physical contact when greeting people.
d) A and C
9 Throughout the world:
a) people rarely use clothing and other forms of bodily adornment to communicate status
b) clothing is used to provide protection from the elements and to satisfy concerns of modesty
c) only adults are taught how to manipulate time in order to communicate messages
d) A and B
10 Which of the following statements is true about the use of clothing and other bodily adornment?
a) We begin to recognize the important cultural clues to the meaning of different styles of dress in early childhood.
b) We usually need to be near enough to talk to someone in order to understand what they are communicating with their appearance.
c) North American culture is unique in the world in that the same style of dress can communicate different messages depending on the age, gender, and physical appearance of the individual wearing it.
11 Which of the following is not characteristic of police uniforms?
a) They are consciously and overtly symbolic so that they can rapidly and clearly communicate status.
b) Putting them on can change police behavior and the behavior of others towards them.
c) neither of the above



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