Practice Quiz for Language and Thought Processes

No. of Questions= 7

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf believed that:
a) There are distinct colors in nature like red and green.
b) We see the real world only in the categories of our language.
c) All normal humans share the capability of having essentially the same sense perceptions of color.
d) none of the above
2 The spectrum of visible light:
a) is a continuum of light waves with frequencies that increase at a continuous rate from one end to the other
b) has distinct colors such as red and green that every normal individual can perceive
c) is divided up into colors in the same way by all normal people in all cultures of the world
d) none of the above
3 The Tiv of Nigeria:
a) had the same color terms as Europeans and North Americans
b) had more terms for snow conditions than did Europeans and North Americans
c) neither of the above
4 Which of the following statements is true?
a) Ethnoscience is primarily the study of relations between ethnic groups.
b) The number of terms an individual knows related to a particular topic is usually independent of his or her gender.
c) The number of color terms usually increases as a society's economy and technology become more complex.
5 ______ refers to classification according to the way in which members of a society classify their own world.
a) emic categories
b) etic categories
c) neither of the above
6 If a scientist went to New Guinea and categorized the fish species native to that island with the universally employed Linnaean classification system, he or she would be using an __________ classification.
a) emic
b) etic
c) neither of the above
7 Anthropologists today generally believe that the Whorf-Sapir hypothesis:
a) is correct
b) over emphasizes the importance of language in determining what people can see
c) is entirely wrong



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