Practice Quiz for the Overview

No. of Questions= 10

INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers.

1 Which of the following kinds of societies impose social control on their citizens?
a) small-scale societies
b) large-scale societies
c) both
2 Which of the following statements is true of laws, courts, and police?
a) They are the most effective mechanisms of social control.
b) They are commonly found in both large and small-scale societies.
c) They are not the only mechanisms of social control available to a society.
3 The commonly held conceptions of appropriate and expected behavior in a society would be best described as ______________ .
a) laws
b) norms
c) mechanisms of social control
4 In what kind of society are norms likely to change very slowly?
a) large multi-ethnic societies such as the United States
b) culturally homogenous traditional Arab nations
c) Both of the above are equally likely to have norms that only change very slowly.
5 Which of the following statements is true concerning the anti-miscegenation laws in Alabama during the last 1/3 of the 20th century?
a) They were eliminated before the social norms about interracial marriage had changed.
b) They were eliminated long after the social norms about interracial marriage had changed.
c) They were eliminated as soon as the social norms generally accepted interracial marriages.
6 Which of the following statements is true of the civil rights acts of the U.S. Congress during the 1960's that mandated the legal enforcement of "racial" integration in schools and public places?
a) There was considerable resistance to them in a number of southern states.
b) They were immediately popular throughout the United States since they reflected the social norms at that time.
c) They were enacted by Congress long after the social norms throughout the United States had embraced racial integration.
7 When does the "internalization" of the moral codes of a society usually take place?
a) mostly in childhood
b) mostly during the teenage years in school
c) mostly as young adults when people are finally on their own and must make responsible decisions
8 What did David Riesman think is the most effective form of social control for a society?
a) formal, written laws enforced by police
b) being inner directed or conscience controlled
c) being other directed or shame controlled
9 Which society is able to rely solely upon internalization of its normative code in order to control behavior?
a) United States
b) Japan
c) England
d) no society
10 Which societies do not have laws?
a) small foraging societies
b) pastoralist societies
c) neither of the above

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